Evangelistic Ministry

E.P.O.H. Testimonies

During the eight weeks of Kids Club, around 22-30 children gave their hearts to the Lord.  Most of those children are continuing to be  discipled through one of the local area churches.  At least three adults that we know of also made a decision for Christ!  Seed was sown in hundreds of lives as a result of simple obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  A big THANK YOU to all who were a part of reaching the city of Bemidji with the Love of Jesus Christ...Don't stop now! 


Harvest 2008 Picnic went well with about 120-130 people showing up (tons of children!).   I prayed for a one to one ratio of believers to non-believers and I believe that's what the Lord provided.  People from nine different churches came out to be a part of this outreach!  I got the opportunity to pray with a couple and the woman rededicated her life to the Lord.  Several people want a Bible study too.  God is moving in Bemidji!

You wouldn't believe how many area businesses donated to this outreach.  There was an abundance of food and prizes!  We serve a BIG God...when He wants something done, He provides the means to do it.  Our part is simple obedience.



Hey everyone! This week was awesome! I got to hold a tiny newborn baby and pray with her mother who is 17 years old. God's Spirit is moving in the trailer parks. People are so friendly with us. They are asking about our church and our faith. Several have told us how God has answered the prayers we have prayed with them...they are completely amazed at the awesomeness of the God we serve! They want to know more about Him...YES!!!

It's all about relationship! And it's sooo simple. We just do what Jesus did...get out there with the people...let them know we care...and introduce them to Jesus through praying with them for their needs! How in the world we ever made the gospel so complicated is far beyond me.

We gave out 'KIDS CLUB' flyers yesterday and we'll give out more this Saturday. The children are excited about it and so are the parents! Several have told me they will be there. We're grilling hot dogs for the Kick-off on May 31st, and could use all the help we can get.


Yesterday, we only made it to the Roosevelt Manor trailer court due to the weather. God is moving in amazing ways and opening doors for the whole gospel to be preached here...right in the center of the worst neighborhood in Bemidji! People are asking about our faith...and very, very interested in what "relationship" is all about! Please come out on Saturday if at all possible, even for just an hour or two...you'll be blessed!


It's been going great the past few Saturdays! This past week four of us delivered 38 bags/boxes of bread/pastries to 27 homes. We prayed with a guy whose wife was due to come home from the hospital Easter morning. Javin led the prayer, while the man's children looked on there in the doorway. The man was either crying or at the point of tears. We think he was just blessed! It really made the whole day for the rest of us!
We're meeting at the church in the morning around 11 am. Everyone welcome to come out and bring hope to others,...it'll put a smile on your face! See ya in the morning!